About Our Pack

Magellan Dogs is strongly committed to offering the kinds of supplies that we would give our own dogs.  That means we curate ethically sourced, high quality gear and made in America.   We support small businesses that share our values because your canine kid deserves the best, and so do you. We look forward to supporting your explorer whether he is an energetic athlete running the wooded trails or a seasoned senior who lazily sniffs out the shady spot of the backyard.


Chip is the seasoned senior Labrador at Magellan Dogs.  He enjoys an occasional squirrel chase followed by a long nap and gentle massage. 
He greets everyone with his big bark and a few loving thwacks of his tail.  This gentle giant belongs to Magellan Dogs Owners Paul and Jen.

Saylor B.

Saylor B. is the sweetest 8-year-old Lab on the planet. Saylor’s favorite pastime is playing and picking on her big brother, Chip. She meets everyone at the door with her bubbly personality and signature wiggle that says, “love me”! She keeps her people busy with her exploration of everything.

Vizsla puppy Odin


Odin is the newest and cuddliest member of the canine crew. With his dreamy green eyes, passion for exploration, and velcro vibes, he is a heartbreaker. Let's hear it for Magellan Dogs' first ever Vizsla!